8 Tips for Daily Grooming

Most guys want to spend as little time as possible on their daily grooming. A quick shower, teeth brushed and hair combed and they are out the door. But looking well groomed is essential for looking stylish and confident. Use these quick tips for daily grooming to keep yourself looking your best.


  1. Find a good barber and work with him. Try different hairstyles – nothing too exotic or outlandish – but be willing to experiment.  Wear closer cuts in summer and then grow it a bit longer over the fall as winter approaches.
  2. This goes without saying but just in case: Wash your face daily, brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss.
  3. Use a moisturizer. Find a quality moisturizer that you like, use about a nickel-sized amount daily to keep your skin looking clear and fresh.
  4. Shave regularly. If you are going to grow a five o’clock shadow, a mustache or a full beard do it properly. Make sure you have a defined line, that the face hair is well groomed and neat and that stragglers are removed. We recommend starting out with a trip to the barber and a full on gentleman’s shave before you start to grow new facial hair.
  5. There is nothing wrong with bald but if you are bald – wear it proudly and cleanly. A shiny pate is off putting.
  6. Deodorant is a must, as are undershirts. When you wear your classic workday men’s dress shirts – like the popular – the undershirt is what helps prevent sweat stains and also keeps the outer shirt looking fresh.
  7. Nose hair, ear hair or overgrown eyebrows are simply unattractive. Keep them in check with regular grooming.
  8. Keep your nails short and clean. Buffing nails will give them a sheen without polish and will also help them retain the manicured look longer.