Create a Perfect Fit Suit with a Bespoke Suit Advisor


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There are some common mistakes men make while wearing a suit. Knot Standard offer the unique service of your own Bespoke Suit Advisor once you register as a customer.  It is a revolutionary company offering luxury clothing which focuses on offering 100% customized clothes to the contemporary image-conscious man. They also offer a bespoke advisor who will help you to find the best suit depending on your requirements. If you have a wedding and want to purchase the best suit, you can speak to one of the bespoke advisors for obligation free wedding suit advice.


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A Knot Standard bespoke advisor not only tells you how to buy a suit but also suggests suitable shades for a person depending on his complexion, stature and attitude. Some of the common colors for suits are brown, black, grey and navy blue. However, you can add a little dimension to your ensemble by trying pinstripe Knot Standard suits or having it embroidered in a contrasting colour. The bespoke advisor helps you choose suit perfect for you and your complexion. You can wear shirts of almost any shade. The advisor acts as your suit guide. Offering advice like not wearing a charcoal grey suit with a dark green shirt. It will be better to match it with a pink or blue shirt. You can even try Knot Standard customizable suits for that unique look.


Knot Standard bespoke advisors will also give you useful advice like buying an extra pair of pants with your suit so you get longer wear out of them and buying all parts of the suit at once instead of separately to avoid any natural variation in colour.  You should never match a pair of old trousers with an old coat. The advisor at Knot Standard tells the customers to always purchase a suit of appropriate fit. If you want to wear a suit which compliments your look, you should try to find one which fits you properly. The bespoke advisor, with his suggestions, would help you to find a suit which fits you perfectly.


With a wide range of Knot Standard suits, finding your perfect suit is just a few clicks away.  Our bespoke advisors are on hand to help you choose a suit which perfectly fits your body type for proper suit advice. To get a suit that fits you and your body type perfectly the company uses a Perfect Fit Measurement System. All men can confidently give their own measurements with the system offered by Knot Standard. When you wear a suit you should wear it with pride. The measurements taken by Knot Standard tailors are doubly checked so that the customers can wear their suits with pride.