Knot Standard Helps You Nail That First Impression

Research confirms custom clothing makes better first impressions

Did you know that what you wear affects not only how people perceive you but also how you perceive yourself and what you project to the rest of the world? In a research study published by Psychology Today in April 2013, people judged a man wearing a bespoke suit to be more confident, successful, flexible and a high earner compared to a man wearing a high street off-the-rack suit.

Researchers showed 300 adults, both men and women, a photo for just three seconds of a man wearing a custom tailored suit or a man wearing an off-the-rack. They controlled for fabric, color and pixilated the face of the models so no facial expressions could be involved.

After just a three second exposure, the participants were then asked to rate the models on questions of confidence, success, flexibility and earnings. Not surprisingly, the model wearing the custom tailored suit scored higher on every measure above the model wearing an off-the-rack suit.

People make almost instantaneous judgments far beyond matters of neatness or fashionableness from your clothing. They determine not only income and level of professionalism but also moral character, personality, long term prospects and, most importantly, whether or not they want to associate with you.

Custom clothing gives you the ability to create clothes that project the exact image you want people to see. Speak with a bespoke advisor to learn more about how Knot Standard does custom and how we can help you design your ideal first impression.