Meet Knot Standard’s Goldsmith

GoldsmitheryKnot Standard’s commitment to customization extends to every detail of our clothes and that includes accessories like pocket squares and cufflinks. Our beautiful customized gold K cufflinks are a perfect example of how we take bespoke to a whole new level and take pride in everything we create.

Each K cufflink is made by hand, following an exacting process of design, precision and detailing. The logo design makes a hero of the ‘K’ with a hand written signature-like typeface that signifies the uniquely personalized suits made by Knot Standard.

Knot Standard turned to our very own goldsmith, Agustina Fernandez, to bring to life our vision. Based in Argentina, Agustina studied goldsmithery and armored jewelry while still in high school (definitely more exacting than ROTC or Intro to Personal Finance.) She graduated in textile design from the University of Buenos Aires and has created rings, earrings, cufflinks, tie pins and other handmade, customized jewelry.

In the following Q&A, Agustina explains how she achieves the elegance and sophistication Knot Standard customers have come to expect.

Q: What was your inspiration for the K cufflinks?

Agustina: I was inspired by the logo of the Knot Standard brand. What caught my attention was the line between the letters, and I liked that detail, thought the low relief and black would work well together.

Q: Can you explain the process of creating the KS cufflinks?

Agustina: I begin by drawing the design in Illustrator. I then print it out and paste the design onto the gold plate. (Photos 1-2). I use this as a guide to cut the letters out. As I mentioned, the K is the coolest part. The low relief and black, the clean lines all make the cufflink design stand out. (Photo 3-17).

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After cutting out the designs, I solder a thin metal plate under the letter K (photo 18-23) to add strength and depth. I then cut more letters (24-27). Then I sand each individual letter, solder the cufflink backs and studs (31-33). I then drop the letters into a sulfuric acid bath and once dried completely, I finish by polishing each individual cufflink.

Q: What was the biggest challenge in making the Knot Standard K gold cufflinks?

Agustina: The greatest challenge was penetrating the inside of each K line and ensuring that each cufflink maintained the same size and proportion. It’s an exacting process that requires very close attention to detail. I spend around six to eight hours on each cufflink.

Q: What do you like about the Knot Standard gold K cufflinks?

Agustina: My favorite aspect is the contrast. I love the smooth polished surface with the depth at the center line. It creates a harmonious, solid piece.


Check out Knot Standard’s latest collection of cufflinks ( or talk to a bespoke advisor about other customization options.