Patterned Socks

Your closet should have a selection of socks in various patterned and solid shades. That’s because you will need your socks to complement whatever outfit you choose to wear – and however you’re feeling on that day.

Subtle patterns on a white base would be apt for formal outfits. You could choose to sport small patterns of light shades on a subtle base. Such kinds of socks go well when you are out for meetings, conferences or other official purposes. For a more elegant look, you could go for socks that have a white thread on a self-colored base.

However, you have to exercise some caution while wearing patterned socks. In particular, you should not pair them with patterned suits – patterned socks look best when worn with a plain suit.

If in doubt, go for a plain unpatterned sock. But informal occasions like picnics, outings and casual getaways are a different matter: men’s socks with a pattern, particularly a strong, colored pattern, can have real appeal here – and a personality of their own.