Top 5 Style Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Few of us are style stars along the lines of Ryan Gosling or Nick Wooster. We work long hours, play hard on weekends and on average spend no more than 15 minutes a day thinking about what we wear. Looking great and feeling confident in what you wear doesn’t have to be a chore, however.

Today there are so many easy and attainable options for the modern professional. Knot Standard’s easy online custom service can help the most style averse look hip and dapper with little effort. To that end, we’ve got a few style mistakes to warn you about, so you’ll know what they are and how to avoid them.


  1. The worst style mistake any guy can make is wearing an I’ll fitting suit. Seriously it’s the 21st century and there are an unbelievable amount of ways to make sure the suit you wear fits properly. Let us help you start down the path of custom clothes impeccably tailored to suit your size and body type so you’ll never again have to worry if the sleeves are too long, the jacket is too tight or the cut is simply unflattering.
  2. Gimme a break: Getting the pant break right is usually a question of trial and error. Breaks too long –  resulting in a bunching of the trouser leg at the shoe – or too little can ruin the most expensive look. Make sure you get the break right with these 8 rules of break.
  3. OTT Accessories:  Hawaiian print ties, grill rings, shiny silver lame vests, flashing neon sunglasses, fur coats of any kind. These are all to be avoided.
  4. Unironed shirts: There is no excuse for a wrinkled men’s dress shirt. Not sure how to iron or running out of time? Hang up the shirt in the bathroom while you shower. The steam can get out most of the wrinkles (unless they are really bad) and you can then just iron the cuffs and collar and do a quick run over the front and back and sleeves of the shirt.
  5. Wife beaters, anything with stains, jeans with frayed cuffs or shirts deliberately designed to ‘show off your muscles’.

Always choose your clothes, even your casual afternoon off outfits as if you are about to meet your next big client or your future bride.