The Scruffy Look Goes Mainstream

During the Mad Men era, clean shaven faces, slicked back hair and finely tailored suits were the standard in advertising as much as in real life. Times have changed, though, and while impeccably tailored suits remain in fashion, it is now acceptable for men to wear a greater diversity of hairstyles and other personal looks. From scruffy beards to visible (though not necessarily raunchy) tattoos, men on the catwalk and in the office have turned the rebel look into hip and cool.

The key to looking professional and still showing your individuality and personality is grooming. Seriously, looking scruffy works only if you also have well groomed nails, clean and pressed clothes (preferably your favorite Knot Standard custom tailored men’s suit) and a clean a polished pair of shoes. A few tips to take you from homeless man to Hollywood hunk:

Stubble works better than a long, unkempt beard. No one will begrudge a guy a five o’clock shadow, especially at the Monday morning meeting. But make sure the stubble isn’t out of control.

Tattoos are now hipster chic and many CEOs, especially in fashion and high tech firms, sport ink. But it’s still considered professional to limit tattoos to areas that can be covered with a long sleeve shirt or trousers.

Piercings are another matter. Though definitely more mainstream than even 10 years ago, they are still mostly frowned upon in the corporate environment. Keep piercings to a minimum and remove them for job interviews.

Look scruffy and still nail the interview in our Classic Navy Blazer. Arguably to most versatile item in any man’s closet, wear with white dress shirt and khakis or chinos for a dapper summer look.

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