The Only Way to Tie a Tie

Video by Brie Bergman  •  Photography by Julia Lewis

Four-in-Hand Knot

1. At the start, the small end of the tie should be about 12 inches below your collar.
2. Cross the wide end over the small end.
3. Bring the wide end underneath, and then around and on top of the small end.
4. Bring the wide end up through the middle and then down through the knot (or inside the first loop for a double).
5. Pull the wide end until the knot tightens, preferably creating a “dimple” below the knot.
6. Hold the knot and pull the short end of the tie down, bringing the knot into place at the collar.

Double Four-in-Hand Knot

1. Repeat steps one through three (above).
2. Loop the wide end around again keeping your finger in the first loop.
3. Repeat steps four through six.





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